Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A year and a red rocking chair

It's coming up on my birfday, and I usually get around to thinking about the past year. It's convenient to have a birthday in January, when I'm already exercising my brain.
But sometimes it's even easier to think about someone else's year, especially when that someone is your own kid.
Kids' lives move faster. My kid's nearly 3 feet tall now and transitioning to a big boy bed. Last year he wasn't standing on his own yet.
That didn't stop me from bringing him into the studio for some photos. Brian came with me to help with the baby-wrangling.

So here's a treat from last January.

It's true. The shoot did end in tears. But I got to take a picture of my big guy comforting my little guy. Life is good. And blog entries about one's offspring are sometimes gooey. :P


liz noonan said...

Hey Meg, don't know if you remember me from my Lowell days w/my daughter Annabelle..I remember those early moments w/her...glad you are getting them all on film.
Cute kid and cute daddy.

Meghan Moore said...

Hi Liz, I sure do! Are you living in a different town now? It's been a while since we talked!

liz noonan said...

Hey Meg! Yes, I live in Melrose now. I have a blog,
I keep in touch w/Suzi Weber on FB and I am now tweeting w/you ;-)
Time goes by so fast when you are chasing little ones around! I have 3 girls now, 6, 4, and 10 months..this is the best time of my life!
Stop by my blog if you are curious about my work. Maybe we can do a trade? Do you barter for work ever?
Love what you are doing, glad to see your family grow!