Leaving a triangle at the corner of a photo can be distracting...
Unless the whole photo is filled with them!
We were taken out for a sail on a wooden boat on Buzzards Bay, just off of Cape Cod. The wooden boat is owned by a friend, and captained by some new friends. Brian and my parents came with. It was a cloudy day, and the wind patterns were all over the place as the air mass shifted to make room for an incoming tropical storm. Barry, I think.
The boat is named Valora, and she's steady as a rock. When we finally found some wind further out in the harbor, almost to the shipping lane out of Cape Cod Canal, the boat seemed as though she puffed out her chest, with the sails filling and the deck leaning away from the wind as we picked up speed. The piece that sticks down into the water through the hull was pulled up so we were a shallow boat, able to navigate well in the sandy waters of the bay.
And then -- and then! -- Lu showed me how to use the tiller! I stopped taking pictures for a while and Brian took some of me with a smile filling up my face. They showed me how to tack! And the boat didn't skip across the water - she positively flew. Smoothly, responsively. I think I remember hearing 7 1/2 knots.
If delirious happiness on a Sunday makes a difference, I'm in for a good week.