Thursday, May 17, 2007

Vanu and Judy came to the studio for the 5/12 photo shoots. Amazing couple - she sings professionally, he heads up a prominent business. Very comfortable with each other, so sweet to work with.

3 years ago CommonWealth Magazine sent me to photograph Vanu for an article, and we've kept in touch on and off.
Here's that photo. It's also on the front page of the website.

In the studio, I used a 2-light setup. There was an umbrella at 5 or 6 feet high on the right. And an umbrella at a lower height, pointing at the background and side of the people, on the left.

For the photo of Vanu at his business in Kendall Square, I had a light on umbrella at about 8 feet high, plugged into the column on the right of the photo. The sun had just about set and all the lights in the office buildings in the background were visible. And Vanu's office had this fantastic sloped window and balcony! He's holding the company's product.

I like all the interesting stuff in the background too.

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