Thursday, May 17, 2007


Man, I forgot about this one. You know how, every once in a while, you troll the web for things you've done? Found this one on the Revolving Museum website, makes me happy. A shot of Caleb Neelon - Sonik - hanging out with the rude, crude, and pants-peeingly hilarious Big Nazo man puppets. Caleb's swank suit goes well with the green head guy's green head.

I think this is the shot Caleb that bought the rights to to use in his book.

This was maybe 3 years ago at an art opening hosted by Jerry Beck, mastermind behind the Revolving Museum, which at that point had relatively recently moved to Lowell.

Flash on a bracket, f/5.6 or so (it's a Vivitar 285 with Thyristor flash sensor - modern technology from 1970). Prolly 400 ASA, maybe 1/15 or 1/20 second to soak in the ambient light. The flash freezes the motion on things within its range, and things further outside its range are not as frozen. The camera shook a little during the exposure, whether by accident or design, but it gives the image an active feeling, kind of jittery with barely-frozen energy.

Does it give you the feeling that the rest of the night was fantastic?

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