Photo shoot on Mother's Day with Caroline and her mom.
I got to meet them a couple of years ago when I photographed Caroline at 8 months or so. We went to a park in town and she and her mom played and looked at flowers - and cried (just Caroline) - and then played again. All in all, a really satisfying shoot.
A year later, we got to do it again. Same park, but now Caroline was playing on the jungle gym - and was VERY into playing peek-a-boo. We made a book from the photo shoot and gave it to her father for his trip to Russia. Got a note a few weeks later from him saying it was the most amazing thing ever, and made him really happy.
And Mother's Day rolled around and we did another shoot - this time in the studio. Caroline is talking, active, curious - and very pink! She and her mom goofed around and played some singing games, and then her mom stood behind me to help get this shot. You can see that Caroline's gaze isn't quite at the camera lens, but she's got a very open, engaged look.
Lighting - Umbrella to my right, fairly high. Umbrella to my left, low and to Caroline's side, giving wrap-around lighting that's balanced by the light on the right. One of these days I'll get around to finding a softbox... and finding out what "key lighting" means...